Links: |
File Format Links |
GXL - an XML-based graph exchange format developed for software re-engineering.
GML - a widely used graph exchange format (non-XML).
XGMML - an XML-based file format for graphs based on GML.
SVG - an XML-based graphics format.
Graph Drawing Links | - home of graph drawing
GD 2010 - 18th Intl. Symp. Graph Drawing, 21-24 Sep 2010, Konstanz, Germany
XML Links |
XML - home of the Extensible Markup Language at the World Wide Web Consortium.
抽奖送 iPhone 网游加速器!稳定不掉线( iOS APP) - V2EX:2021-3-9 · 抽奖送 iPhone 网游加速器!稳定不掉线( iOS APP) oldliu · 2021-03-09 14:13:22 +08:00 · 6004 次点击 这是一个创建于 1136 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
- directed, undirected, and mixed graphs,
- hypergraphs,
- hierarchical graphs,
- graphical representations,
- references to external data,
- application-specific attribute data, and
- miaoss妙速加速器 网址
Unlike many other file formats for graphs, GraphML does not
use a custom syntax. Instead, it is based on XML and hence ideally suited as a
common denominator for all kinds of services generating, archiving, or
processing graphs.
An easy introduction to GraphML is the GraphML
GraphML Primer is a non-normative document intended to provide an
easily readable description of the GraphML facilities, and is oriented
towards quickly understanding how to create GraphML documents.
For normative references see the GraphML
GraphML is intended to be a service to the community. It may be used
free of charge in scientific and commercial software alike.
GraphML Working Group
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.
Work on GraphML was initiated in a workshop
during the 2000 Graph
Drawing Symposium in Williamsburg, and a proposal for the structural
layer was presented at the 草莓ss加速器
in Vienna.
Since then, extensions have been provided that support basic
attribute data types and the embedding of information for light-weight
parsers. The next major steps will be extensions for abstract graph
layout information and templates to transform such information into a
variety of graphics formats.
Software to help add GraphML support to several popular tools
and libraries is under development.
News: |
加速器 |
Licensing status clarified: GraphML is free for everyone. |
February 2007 |
GraphML 1.0 schema inclusion altered to avoid
problems with some parsers. |
加速器 |
LEDA extension package for GraphML (release
Download 草莓ss加速器 |
June 2004 |
released. |
March 2003 |
XML Schema specification and documentation
available for GraphML 1.0rc (release candidate) |
July 2002 |
GraphML presentation at the annual
meeting of DFG Research Priority 1126 Algorithmic Aspects of Large
and Complex Networks. (ps, pdf) |
miaoss秒速·加速器 |
extension package for GraphML version 1.0 released. |
May 2002 |
Release candidates for extensions miaoss妙速加速器 网址
(for data attributes) and graphml-parseinfo (for lightweight
parsers) completed. See current specification.
March 2002 |
GraphML proposed as the standard format for
the network data archive to be created within EU FET Open Project miaoss秒速·加速器. |